Friday, March 11, 2011

I have zee most amazing friend in the world.

This is Fjord. Fjord is one of my best friends. She is the funniest person i know, not exaggerating! We have the most inside jokes ever, and whenever we hang out we always have something to talk about.

I can't even express how awesome she is! We do the craziest shit together. And we have many fun times. Right now we have a summer project that I'm SO excited for, and I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else!

Fjord is loving, beautiful, hilarious, bubbly, friendly, interesting, klutzy (but in a good way!) unique, FUN, awesome, and pretty much just everything you would want in a best friend!

Pretty much I don't know what I would do without her. Life would be really dull and depressing if she wasn't around.

And... yeah...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I Don't Know What to Put Here

I don't really have anything to write about right now, but my friend wanted me to update my blog, and I wanted to, also. Here is my friends blog:

Go check her out! Right now shes doing a 30 day photo challenge. And she is the funniest person I know, so you should enjoy her blog!

So, I will just write 5 random thoughts:

1. I like my hair today
2. We've gotten addicted to The Weekenders
3. Tired...
4. I want to do something tomorrow, but I probably wont want to leave the house
5. I wish the snow was gone so I could go skateboarding.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mmm... Skittles!

This is just a quick post to let you all know that I love skittles.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy March!

Today is March first! I'm going to give some reasons just why March is good. So, hope you all have an awesome month!

Why March is Awesome:

First day of spring! March is the month where spring begins in a lot of places. And spring means warmer weather!
Spring Break! Where I am living, spring break is the last week in March. Your spring break may not be in March, but if it is- then that is a reason to celebrate!
New Music! A couple of bands I really like have albums coming out- so excited!
St. Patricks Day. OK, so I don't really know what that day is all about... but I may as well put it in here while I can.
March is when the days start to get longer. More sunlight equals more time to go out, and get things done in the daylight.

So, I can only think of five right now, but you get the point!

Random List! Pt. 1

Here is a list of 10 Random Turn offs.


1.General grossness. Bad manners, gross habits, bad hygiene, not-so-awesome smell
2. Being rude.
3. Bugging people and being annoying. Constantly do the same thing over and over even if you know it bugs people.
4. Ignoring people.
5. Being clingy. Never leaving a person alone can get so annoying
6.Being fake. Nothings worse then thinking you know a person, then BAM! They just change on you.
7. Trying to change/control people.
8. Being mean. Not only acting mean to people, but also saying stuff behind peoples backs, all over meanness
9. Arrogance. People thinking that they are 'all that' and better then everyone else.
10. Negative person. People who have bad attitudes, and always need to have their way.

Random list. Not necessarily my turn-offs, but just usual turn-offs in general.