Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

Happy Valentines! Lets make a list...

20 Things to do on Valentines day:

1. Make a video using only cookies, a tree and string
2. Make a snow fort with friends
3. Write a paragraph about front flips
4. Buy the book 'Wreck This Journal' by Keri Smith. Do a page, take a picture of the page, and post it on the Internet.
5. Draw an inappropriate picture for your friends locker. Force your friend to hang it up
6. Make a list
7. Call someone that you know but someone you don't talk to much. Ask them If they have ever eaten a crayon.
8. But sea monkeys
9. Design a t-shirt
10. Make a turtle out of paper
11. Have a bath
12. Stand outside on a busy street with lots of ice. Laugh as people slip and fall on the ice
13. Walk to a corner store as slowly as possible.
14. Play an instrument or blast your music very loud in the middle of the night. See if anyone complains.
15. Make a flag for your room
16. Sit on your front door with a sign that says 'honk if you love sharks'
17. Try living like a hobo for a day, staying outside all day with nothing but a box and loaf of bread. Have a contest with friends to see who can stay outside the longest
18. Send a super long message to 20 random people on facebook
19. Make a survey, and ask people at school or work to answer the questions
20. Have a contest with a friend to see who can do all 20 things on this list first.

Have fun!



  2. LOL #8

  3. Augh!! I didn't even notice that! haha. And yes, this is Maddi. HI!!
