OK, I'm going to make a quiz for whoever is reading this! So, take the quiz, and leave a comment of what you got!
What Under Water Creature Are You?
1. You and your friends are walking through the halls at school. You see that mean, obnoxious girl from your math class, and she is giving you a death glare. What do you do?
a. Glare right back at her. Let her know that she doesn't scare you!
b. Ignore her. You honestly couldn't care less.
c. Obnoxiously wave back at her with a big smile- it will piss her off.
d. Don't even make eye contact with her. You dread girls like that.
2. Whats your favorite food?
a. Burgers and fries. Yum!
b. I will pretty much eat anything. How could I just pick one?!
c. CANDY! Anything sweet, pretty much
d. Pizza
3. In your group of friends, what best describes you?
a. The friend everyone looks up to. If someone has a problem, they will come to you! You are the fearless leader.
b. I'm the one that keeps everything running smoothly. I keep our group of friends together.
c. I'm the funny one! People always have a laugh around me.
d. I'm the quiet, calm one. I'm peaceful, and my friends will come to me if they ever want some peace and quiet.
Now, count up what you got. Here are the results!!
MOSTLY A: Killer Whale!
You are the fearless leader! If someone is giving you a hard time, you can but right back. You wont let anyone push you around!
MOSTLY B: Sting Ray.
You are the calm and collected one. You are very laid back, and you just go with the flow. You won't let people push you around, but you don't purposely get in the middle of things.
MOSTLY C: Dolphin
Fun and playful best describes you! You like to have a fun time, no matter what! You are funny, and generally a pretty happy person.
MOSTLY D: Whale Shark!
You are the calm and quiet one. You like one-on-one stuff instead of big groups, and you aren't loud at all. You can keep your cool no matter what!
OK! My mini quiz is finished! Hope you liked it. It was super short, and pretty stupid, but it was just for fun. So, put your result in the comments!
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